Product circa: August 2018
Well this was a pleasant surprise to see in the store! Especially as I've been honing my own Jamaican Jerk recipe this summer.
Anyway, the punch line is that these are disappointing.
While a decent heat builds after a few chips, the flavor is mostly uninteresting. The distinct flavor of scotch bonnet is not present, and instead it seems to be a fairly generic blend of chile and spices/aromatics. There's even a strange sweet barbecue flavor. These chips are so non-distinct that the bag could have had a dozen different flavor names on it and it would have been passable.
Speaking of "passable", this product will be rated 1 NOM. They're easily 2 NOMs in terms of flavor, but the execution of its namesake's flavor is too lazy.
Lay's Fiery Habanero:

Original Lay's (for comparison):