Pop-Tarts were introduced in 1964, making 2014 the brand's 50th Anniversary. They've introduced two limited time flavors for this occasion.
I'll start the first "Birthday Edition" Pop-Tarts review by saying that ephemeral Pop-Tarts are usually pretty remarkable, if not notable, at least. These buck that trend. What's worse, this flavor is supposedly a flashback to a successful past variety of Pop-Tarts. Why they brought these back, I don't know.
The company forgot to put any flavor along with the sugar in this product. The chocolate pastry is only vaguely reminiscent of chocolate, with plenty of their full-time products hitting a higher mark in this category. The creme is supposedly vanilla creme, but it doesn't taste like it. Its sweetness is on par, of course, and if I try hard, I can detect the slightest notes of powdered milk or powdered cream. That's it. No vanilla.
Oddly, this product doesn't improve when toasted and warm, like most Pop-Tarts do. I just don't get what they were trying to do here.
Pop-Tarts Chocolate Vanilla Creme:

Original Pop-Tarts S'mores(for comparison):

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