Lays has another Do Us A Flavor contest, and this time the 4 contenders are selected from a hoard of submissions from the public, input via the Lays website about a year ago. I love this kind of crowd-sourcing, especially because the outcome is a group of flavors that are a bit more wild than what the execs and R&D labs might have produced.
Of course, my hands went first and fastest to the strangest flavor of the lot: Cappuccino. Most will probably grimace at having potato chips flavored like a treat that is most often paired with sugary desserts, and while I'm more intrigued than disgusted, I'm going in with a hefty amount of skepticism. BTW, this isn't the first dessert-like potato chip on this site.
At opening the bag and taking the first bite, you'll encounter smells that transport you to the experience of walking into a coffee shop. The seasoning on these chips is very simple: powdered instant coffee and cinnamon. Cinnamon isn't exactly a traditional or common addition to cappuccino, but I understand that Lays needed to add a bit more dimension to these chips than just coffee.
How is it? Intriguingly addictive, but not much more than that. There is definitely sugar in the mix, but salt as well. There's a bitter aftertaste from the cinnamon and coffee, which is a bit strange to experience while eating chips. The flavor of the seasoning is pleasant, but not quite so when combined with potato. You'll keep eating them out of interest more than pleasure.
"Sweet and salty" snacks are huge these days, but I'm not sure this one would satisfy either craving, let alone both. The mere novelty and innovation here gives its score a bump, which is good, because the product needs it.
Lays Cappuccino:

Original Lay's(for comparison):

so... does it taste more like a potato chip or does it completely taste like some type of coffee?